Balog, James - Anima
Leafing through James Balog's unique and incredible photographs, the fusion between human beings and chimpanzees, and ultimately nature, softly enters your consciousness like vapors entering the atmosphere. There is an unimaginable grounding effect that one experiences in absorbing this work of art. To begin with, James points out the minute 1.6% difference between human and chimpanzee genetic make-up. Anima reveals that the only real difference between us is thought. This very act of thinking creates a deficiency between the mind and body. According to James, this gap is what separates us from the surrounding world. These photographs show us the unity between humanity and nature, highlighting the fact that the only real difference is the one we create in our minds.
Publisher:Arts Alternative
1993, 27.5 x 28 cm. 64 p.
Hardcover with dustjacket & clear cellophane wrapper. With 28 collour photographs.