Ray, Man - Ritratti
In realizing the portraits of the personalities gathered here - from Picasso to Virginia Woolf, from Jean Cocteau to Henry Miller, from TS Eliot to Luis Bunuel, to unknown models or actresses - the photographer was only interested in the faces of his models, without taking into account their situation or their celebrity, nor the more or less sympathy they could evoke with them personally. Later, when he gained a deeper knowledge of some of the people portrayed, his feelings towards them became clearer, no matter what. To express this interest, the author resorted to a game that was once in vogue among the surrealists: he awarded a twenty if it was perfectly in harmony with the personality and had an unconditional appreciation for his photography. Starting from this basis, he then classified each subject and each image from zero to twenty. The reader can adapt these evaluations as he wishes. Even the brief remark with which the author has accompanied each portrait and which, in his opinion, characterizes the model, reflects a completely personal opinion. Under no circumstances should it become definitive