Campeau, Michel - Territoires

€ 27,50

Michel Campeau leads us in a deep meditation on the essence of places, questioning the visited landscapes as much as the objects found within. While oscillating between poetic observations and the results of his performances, his Territories hail from both the real and the imaginary. As such the photographed spaces become fertile ground for the exploration of an inward geography. Through the six corpus making up this cycle, the book outlines the recent work of one of the most important photographers in Canada.

Paperback : 112 pages
Item Weight : 499 g
ISBN-10 : 2895402663
ISBN-13 : 978-2895402664
Publisher : Smith, Bonappétit & Son (March 31 2007)
Dimensions : 2.55 x 0.11 x 2.34 cm
Language : French