Hiên, Lam-Duc - Faces (New in plastic!) (Extremely rare!)

€ 24,00

Portraits of children from around the world A book by Régine Desforges, writer, and Hien Lam Duc, photographer; two authors concerned and committed to the rights of the child. A series of reports in the missions of the organization Enfants du Monde in Vietnam, Palestine, Algeria, Kosovo, Guinea, Madagascar, Colombia and the Philippines, to meet the children. Encountered with words and images so that their life, their fears, their hopes are said, written, shown. A book for the benefit of the Enfants du Monde - Human Rights association which since 1986 has been fighting for the recognition of the child as a person enjoying specific rights in the same way as an adult and whose action supports the International Convention on the Rights of the Child adopted by the UN General Assembly on November 20, 1989. Children of the World - Human Rights organizes emergency or development programs in many countries, in particular Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Iraq, Nicaragua, Sudan, Turkey, Venezuela, Brazil, Colombia, Jordan, Madagascar and Vietnam.


"I’m fed up with showing children dying and suffering. I want to make portraits, just showing the faces and not the background. In their eyes, you could see their fatigue, their suffering, their sadness."


Among other awards, Lam Duc Hiên (born 20 June in Laos on the banks of the Mekong, 1966) has won 1st prize in the Portrait category, World Press Photo 2001 with his series “Iraqi People”. His interest in Iraq stretched over 25 years; yet after a narrow escape in Saddam Hussein’s native village, Hien decided to leave the majestic land that requires too many sacrifices. That was when he embarked on a 4,200-km journey tracing the Mekong river from the delta in Vietnam up to its source in Tibet, recalling childhood memories and interpreting the river’s various meanings to inhabitants. The commitment to children’s rights and reporting lives in conflict zones ties his vast bodies of work.  


Portraits d'enfants du monde Un livre de Régine Desforges, écrivain, et Hien Lam Duc, photographe ; deux auteurs concernés et engagés dans les droits de l'enfant. Une série de reportages dans les missions de l'organisation Enfants du Monde au Viêtnam, en Palestine, en Algérie, au Kosovo, en Guinée, à Madagascar, en Colombie et aux Philippines, à la rencontre des enfants dont les auteurs sont les portes-paroles, les portraitistes, les avocats. Rencontre des mots et des images pour que soient dits, écrits, montrés, leur vie, leurs peurs, leurs espoirs. Un livre au profit de l'association Enfants du Monde - Droits de l'homme qui depuis 1986 combat pour la reconnaissance de l'enfant en tant que personne jouissant de droits spécifiques au même titre que l'adulte et dont l'action s'appuie sur la Convention internationale relative aux droits de l'enfant adoptée par l'assemblée générale de l'ONU le 20 novembre 1989. Enfants du Monde - Droits de l'homme organise des programmes d'urgence ou de développement dans de nombreux pays, notamment L'Albanie, le Kosovo, le Monténégro, l'Irak, le Nicaragua, le Soudan, la Turquie, le Venezuela, le Brésil, la Colombie, la Jordanie, Madagascar et le Viêtnam.


Publisher: Anako (1 June, 2002)
Language: French
Hardcover: 133 pages
ISBN-10: 290775470X
ISBN-13: 9782907754705
Item weight: -
Dimensions: -


New in plastic! Extremely rare!