Louis,Christian - Nationale 7

€ 16,95

Christian Louis photos, text Pierre Drachline, photographic prefaces by Robert Doisneau and Willy Ronis.


"My profession as a photographer gave me an incredible luxury: that of time. Speed, profitability do not suit me. I don't have to be profitable, I don't sell anything, I just watch, that's all " - Christian Louis (1948 - 2001)


"Mon métier de photographe m’a offert un luxe inouï : celui du temps. Rapidité, rentabilité ne me conviennent pas. Je n’ai pas besoin d’être rentable, je ne vends rien, je regarde, c’est tout"


Publisher: Marval; 1st edition (1 January, 1988)
Language: French
Softcover: 100 pages
ISBN-10: 2862340197
ISBN-13: 9782862340197
Item weight:498g
Dimensions: 22 x 24 cm
