Lartigue, Jacques-Henri - Les Femmes CHENE Héliogravures/photogravures !!!

€ 45,00

J.H. Lartigue's enchanting series devoted to the fair sex. Although he considered himself primarily a painter, Lartigue's extensive work as a photographer has been heralded for its glamor, grace, and whimsy. The product of over 70 years—Lartigue had been documenting the people and sights around him since he was first given a camera (what he called a "magic box") at six years old—this collection features portraits of a variety of types of women, from adolescent to middle-aged, poised to candid, friends, family members, passersby, and lovers. Illustrated with 101 color and black-and-white plates; opens with evocative extracts from Lartigue's diary: "And as I am writing this morning without reason...I want to say that this love that I have in my heart is of a different quality from the scraps of love which the passing darlings of my heart have to offer." Designed by French film director and screenwriter Jacques Maillot.


Jacques Henri Lartigue (Courbevoie, June 13, 1894 - Nice, September 12, 1986) was a French photographer and painter. Is known for his 'frozen' action photos of car races, airplanes, jumping, falling, and running people and of fashionable Parisian women; photos he took around 1910. Although best known as a photographer, Lartigue was also a very talented painter.


Publisher: Dutton; 1st edition (1 January, 1974)
Language: English
Hardcover: 126 pages
Item weight:1010g