Spengler, Christine - ANNEES DE GUERRE
Christine Spengler decides to become a war reporter one day in 1970 when, in Chad, accompanied by her younger brother Eric, she takes her first photograph of Toubous fighters, barefoot, shooting Kalashnikoff against French helicopters. From then on, she made a place for herself in the masculine world of war reporting and never ceased to bear witness to just causes and to immerse herself in the horror of the end of the world. But her female gaze sets her apart from other photographers, rejecting all sensationalism, she mainly photographs survivors. His first report on the children of Northern Ireland is published in Life and Paris-Match. It is now on all fronts, covering the Vietnam War, the bombing of Phnom-Penh by the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, following the Polisario front fighters in Western Sahara, sharing the daily life of Iranian women under Khomeini, and more recently, that of Afghan women oppressed by the Taliban. Many of his images have become icons; until now, she had not had a large book that resumes her career in photography. The thrilling life of this woman whose destiny was played out around the disappearance of her brother Eric, interests Hollywood which would like to make a film adaptation of it.
hardcover : 222 pages
Dimensions : 24 x 31 x 3 cm
Publisher : Marval
Language: : French
isbn : 9782862343563