Stehli, Iren - Libuna A GYPSY'S life in Prague - New in SEAL !

€ 89,00

From teenager to grandmother: Swiss photographer Iren Stehli photographed the life of Libuna, a gypsy in Prague, over the course of 27 years. We experience Li-bunas first love, her children, how she becomes a grandmother at age 35, difficult years of separation, unbeliev-able strength, keeping the family together in spite of all opposition. A novel in images about a woman who never gives up.This book is a long-term study, a precise and close view of the margins of eastern European society under communism and after the Velvet Revolution in former Czechoslovakia. A narrative about love, tenderness, and pain, it is witness to Libunas unfaltering strength and lust for life. The highs and lows of a womans life are captured in an unusual and sensitive manner. The detail-rich pictures depict a story of everyday life and popular culture in the former Eastern Bloc. Libuna is the astounding evidence that the secret of photography is neither sensationalism nor the invention of pretentious phantasmagoria, but rather the patient and unobtrusive search for images whose glimpse of the world turns into epiphanies, refractions of light into an indescribable truth of the world.


hardcover : 252 pages

Dimensions :  28.5 x 30.5x 2.5  cm

Publisher : Scalo Verlag Ac

Language: : English

isbn : 9783908247630 

New in SEAL !