Stibor, Miloslav - Miloslav Stibor
Miloslav Stibor (1927–2011) is considered an important personality and a classic artist of Czech post-war photography, specializing in nudes and portraits. He founded the Primary Art School in Olomouc in the 1950s and it still bears his name. He is also mentioned in most books and exhibitions on the history of Czech photography. He held over 140 solo exhibitions during his life. He worked as a teacher in the field of photography from the mid-1950s. His carefully planned teaching methods combined with practice have become a model for the teaching of photography in art schools all over the country. His photography textbook, intended for art schools, was actively used by amateurs and professionals alike until the advent of digital photography.
Miloslav Stimor maakte samen met o.a. Zdenek Virt en Miroslav Hak deel uit van de avant garde in de Tsjechische fotografie in het post-stalinistische tijdperk. De herwonnen vrijheid leidde onder meer tot een nu zeldzaam geworden serie portfolio's met naaktstudies
hardcover : 148 pages
Dimensions : 24 x 29.5 x 1.5 cm
Publisher : Profil
Language: : czech
isbn : 9788070340455